*United States of America [#re2f6098]

--Title 23, United States Code
---  (35) Transportation enhancement activity. - The term
      "transportation enhancement activity" means, with respect to any
      project or the area to be served by the project, any of the
      following activities as the activities relate to surface
          (A) Provision of facilities for pedestrians and bicycles.
          (B) Provision of safety and educational activities for
        pedestrians and bicyclists.
          (C) Acquisition of scenic easements and scenic or historic
        sites (including historic battlefields).
          (D) Scenic or historic highway programs (including the
        provision of tourist and welcome center facilities).
          (E) Landscaping and other scenic beautification.
          (F) Historic preservation.
          (G) Rehabilitation and operation of historic transportation
        buildings, structures, or facilities (including historic
        railroad facilities and canals).
          (H) Preservation of abandoned railway corridors (including
        the conversion and use of the corridors for pedestrian or
        bicycle trails).
          (I) Inventory, control, and removal of outdoor advertising.
          (J) Archaeological planning and research.
          (K) Environmental mitigation - 
            (i) to address water pollution due to highway runoff; or
            (ii) (!1) reduce vehicle-caused wildlife mortality while
          maintaining habitat connectivity.

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